Sunday, September 21, 2008

I'm A PC

Have you seen this?

I saw this for the first time during the Vikings game today. I assume that these commercials are a response to the popular and funny commercials that Apple has been doing for some time now ("Hi, I'm a Mac," "and I'm a PC" and so on and so forth). Talk about a reaction! This advertisement for Microsoft is clearly a strong reaction to the Apple commercials, trying to justify themselves and show how cool, hip, and relevant they are to the world of computing. I almost felt like the ad was channeling Stuart Smalley: "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me." I thought the most ridiculous line of the ad was, "I'm a PC, and I'm a human being; not a human doing; not a human thinking, a human being." What the heck does that even mean, and what in the world does it have to do with computers? It's almost like they were trying to make me feel sorry for them - that they've been so unfairly judged and characterized as weirdo, unhip, computer nerds. Let me assure you PC users: no one cares! You don't need to justify your computer preference! It's really not that big of a deal.

If you know me at all, I'm an Apple user, so I am completely biased. But I really don't get into the nerdy "Macs are better than PC's" arguments with other people. Truth be told, I really don't care - use whatever computer you want. I happen to like Apples. Who cares? Apparently it matters, and for some reason I need to know that people who use PC's are cool too. How stupid.


Suz said...

Wow, yeah. Lame.

Microsoft's commercials are really tanking, especially the ones with Bill Gates and Seinfeld. And this one is no different. "I'm a PC and I have glasses." I'm sorry but Bill Gates is an uber-rich uber-nerd. You can't make him into this "everyman" character with a couple of poorly scripted TV commercials. It won't work.

The guy who said the line you hate is Deepak Chopra, a New Age, psychology/philosophy nonsense spouter. So it makes sense that you don't like his lines since they are meaningless.

Joel said...

I've heard Chopra on the radio before, but I guess I've never actually seen him. It's funny how he was the guy who irked me the most...considering his line of work.

Marjorie said...

these were edited on a mac... irony? i think yes.